Indian Agriculture has been a significant contributor to the economy and providing livelihood opportunities for 58% of the population. As the primary sector of the economy, which is yet to gear up to secondary or services sector levels, the challenges in the sector have been numerous. There is immense scope to leverage, strengthen and optimize forward and backward linkages with the manufacturing and services sectors. As a developing economy, the key focus of Krishi Kalpa is on augmenting revenues, improving viability, and minimizing overheads for each of the stakeholders engaged in any given agricultural value chain by addressing the following key constraints: Appropriate Technology adoption at scale, collectivization, capacity skill development first and last-mile ecosystem services, strong forward and backward integration, coupled with fund mobilization and favorable policy landscape. Krishi Kalpa aims to enable changes through increasing adoption of technology, inducing behavior change amongst FPO’S & Micro-Entrepreneurs, enabling farmer-centric policies, and facilitating creation of innovative farming solutions.