Why Us

Krishikalpa Foundation

Indian Agriculture has been a significant contributor to the economy and providing livelihood opportunities for 58% of the population. As the primary sector of the economy, which is yet to gear up to secondary or services sector levels, the challenges in the sector have been numerous. There is immense scope to leverage, strengthen and optimize forward and backward linkages with the manufacturing and services sectors. As a developing economy, the key focus of Krishi Kalpa is on augmenting revenues, improving viability, and minimizing overheads for each of the stakeholders engaged in any given agricultural value chain by addressing the following key constraints: Appropriate Technology adoption at scale, collectivization, capacity skill development first and last-mile ecosystem services, strong forward and backward integration, coupled with fund mobilization and favorable policy landscape. Krishi Kalpa aims to enable changes through increasing adoption of technology, inducing behavior change amongst FPO’S & Micro-Entrepreneurs, enabling farmer-centric policies, and facilitating creation of innovative farming solutions.

Krishikalpa’s Proposed Model


Networking & Knowledge Management

  • Facilitating physical and virtual networking events, consultations and workshops, B2B meets, webinars, among the end users, service providers and policymakers.
  • Knowledge vertical focuses on sourcing, undertaking, maintaining and disseminating information, databases and relevant studies, articles, research, etc.

Mobilization, Deployment and Operations

  • Outreach, marketing and communication activities for onboarding end users and ecosystem service providers
  • End users include farmers, FPOs, buyers , traders, processors, institutional buyers, agri-business companies, startups, wholesalers, retailers, exporters.
  • Ecosystem service providers include financial institutions, insurance companies, transporters, warehousing, collateral management companies, agri equipment manufacturers, input dealers, extension services, advisory and information services, CHC, agri-tech startups, cold chain services, etc.

Skill and Capacity Development

  • Providing virtual and physical capacity building on using the platform and incorporating it in their respective operations.
  • Farmer groups and FPOs shall also be provided with intensive business capacity building and handholding support in collaboration with in-house experts, resource institutions, FPO incubators, etc. to improve their business and profitability.
  • Synergies shall be explored with existing FPO capacity building schemes of SFAC, NABARD and respective State Governments.
  • Need-gap assessments shall be carried out while onboarding farmers, FPOs and buyers onto the platform. Thanks to the nationwide launch of Atma-Nirbhar, Krishikalpa Foundation will address the identified gaps and constraints in last mile connectivity
  • These enterprises shall focus on delivering services or undertaking value addition of raw produce.
  • Structured capacity building and incubation program covering business planning, market research, sales, marketing, pricing, accounting, finance, operations, legal and compliance, etc. undertaken by in-house experts, partner resource institutions and agri-business incubators.
  • Strategies for growth and sustainability in the new post Covid-19 business environment shall also be included in the curriculum.


Micro-Enterprise Development